Friday 4 June 2010

Beer Snack

Here's something I stumbled across randomly on the internet yesterday: a really simple dish I'd never heard of that's actually rather excellent with a drink - fried chickpeas. I'd credit the website, but don't know what it is anymore... I've made up my own recipe inspired by the idea.

Heat some olive oil in a frying pan and add finely chopped garlic. Open a can of chickpeas, drain and dry, then toss in heavily seasoned flour. I used paprika, chilli, salt and pepper. Fry the chickpeas until crispy, drain on kitchen paper and serve hot with an ice cold beer. They're surprisingly delicious - crunchy and spicy on the outside, like roasted peanuts; mealy and starchy on the inside, like fluffy chips.

Other flavour ideas could be garlic, parsley and lemon zest or curry powder... whatever takes your fancy.

Two new posts in a day after a month-long hiatus! Please let me know if you read and like / hate this blog, because I'm never sure if I'm just writing for my own amusement. If anyone actually cares what I write I'd have a reason to do it more regularly.


EDIT: Credit where it's due. The site that I got the idea from:


  1. Nice work, sir. Keep it up.

  2. Do keep going. It's good :)
