Friday 5 March 2010

Garlic Palourde Clams

Picked up some clams at Borough Market today. They were Carpetshells, otherwise known as Palourdes, Vongole or Almejas (depending whether you're eating them in France, Italy or Spain, respectively). I wanted to recreate a mouth-watering dish I has at Tierra Brindisa a few months ago. They called them Palourdes Clams a la Plancha - cooked on the grill, but basically clams in a garlic sauce.

I cooked some chopped garlic in olive oil, then added chilli and threw in the clams, along with a slug of white wine. That was it. Then served them up with some wilted greens I also picked up at Borough. No idea exactly what they were, as there was no label, but certainly some member of the brassica family. Finished off with some nice rye bread.

A closer look at the clams below. Unfortunately the batteries in my camera died, so all the images in this post are crappy mobile phone shots.

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