Friday 12 March 2010

Smoked Anchovies and roasted garlic on toast

There was a Mark Hix recipe in the Independent a couple of weeks ago. It's so simple the word "Recipe" is perhaps overstating the amount of preparation involved. Maybe "assembly" is a better term. I knew it was something I wanted to try. The original article is here:

(or Google "Mark Hix Smoked Anchovies" if you're reading this in the future and the link has expired)

Hix raved about Nardin smoked anchovies, which he said were more like fresh fish than tinned. And having eaten them I couldn't agree more. They're available from Brindisa at Borough, though I'm sure you can find them elsewhere, including on the internet.

They weren't cheap, mind you. £5.50 for 8 large anchovy fillets means this dish is probably best saved for when you feel like splashing out.

It's a really delicious combination. The anchovies had a very pleasing light smokey flavour. And their texture was reminiscent of pickled fresh fish, like a thin version of a rollmops; completely unlike any other tinned anchovies I've eaten.

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